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KSD1-08 servo drive KUKA robot control cabinet

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The KSD incorporates:

Power output stage, Current controller, Interbus interface for the drive bus, Monitoring of the motor current and short-circuit protection, Heat sink temperature monitoring, Communication monitoring.

2 sizes are used:

Size 1 (BG 1) KSD-08/16/32 and Size 2 (BG 2) KSD-48/64

The KSD is the drive unit for each one of the robot and where present external axes.
The KSDs are rated depending on their power output in Amps

– Interbus interface for the drive bus
– Monitoring of the motor current and short-circuit protection
– Heat sink temperature monitoring
– Communication monitoring

KUKA robots are equipped with the KR C2 controller. The control and power electronics are integrated in a common control cabinet which is space–saving, user–friendly and easy to service.
It conforms to the safety requirements specified in ISO 10218. Power is supplied to the drive motors through individual KSD modules (KUKA servo drives), which in turn are powered by the KPS (KUKA power supply) and controlled via the DSE–IBS (digital servo–electronics with Interbus interface). The computer unit is based on standard PC hardware with a powerful main processor and software for the Windows 95 user interface.

The powerful continuous–path control system for 6 basic axes and up to 2 integrable external axes (optional) incorporates extensive basic functions for the robot motion. Numerous special functions provide the capability of automating the robot periphery in a simple and cost–effective manner.

It is additionally possible to intervene in the communications of the overall system to fully implement diverse technological functions.
– Scanning and processing of I/O signals
– Fast and selective reaction to process events
– Logic and arithmetic operations
– Communication with external control units


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